From Dark Data to Informed Decisions

In short
10h11 transforms CCI dark data and open data into geographic insights through tailor-made AI solutions, allowing informed decision-making for setting up businesses.
The project in detail
The valorization of dark data represents a major challenge for organizations. Our collaboration with CCI illustrates how BI can transform untapped data into strategic advantage.

The need
The CCI was facing two major challenges:
- Exploiting the untapped potential of your dark data
- Transforming open data into actionable insights
- Create a relevant geographic decision support tool
The solution
As experts in Data engineering and AI automation, we have developed:
- An intelligent scoring algorithm usingGenerative AI for predictive analytics
- An interactive cartographic interface based on the Simulation of business scenarios
- A geographic recommendation system using the Machine learning automation
The results
Our solution allowed:
- Transforming dark data into strategic insights
- Optimized decision-making for geographic location
- The creation of a new economic model for CCI
This achievement demonstrates how the alliance between artificial intelligence consultancy and geographic expertise can revolutionize decision support when it comes to setting up businesses.
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