Reinventing data sovereignty with AI

In short
Discover how 10h11 transformed data management at CCI Nouvelle-Aquitaine through AI automation and data engineering. A solution that combines performance, security and ease of use.
The project in detail
In a world where data governance is becoming essential, 10h11 is revolutionizing the sharing of economic data. Our collaboration with CCI Nouvelle-Aquitaine perfectly illustrates our expertise in digital AI transformation and in tailor-made AI solutions.

The need
The CCI Nouvelle-Aquitaine managed a vast set of economic data via Excel, facing three major challenges:
- The distribution of files compromised their digital sovereignty
- Data analysis required considerable effort on the part of the recipients.
- The risk of errors during manual entry was high
The solution
As experts in Data engineering and AI automation, we have developed:
- An interactive cartographic platform integrating data quality standards
- A secure back office with data validation automated
- An intuitive interface optimized by the preparing data for AI
The results
Our solution allowed CCI Nouvelle-Aquitaine to:
- Maintain total control over your data thanks to a AI data governance robust
- Offer a clear and educational visualization of economic information
- Eliminate input errors thanks to theData preparation automation
This transformation demonstrates how the alliance between artificial intelligence consulting and technical expertise can solve complex data management challenges while maintaining digital sovereignty.
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